Recovering from a Root Canal in Langley: Tips for a Smooth Process

Recovering from a Root Canal in Langley: Tips for a Smooth Process

For many, a root canal procedure is one of the scarier procedures you can undergo at the dentist’s. Whether it’s the procedure itself or the recovery period, there’s a great many patients out there who dread root canals. The truth is that it’s a normal process that doesn’t have to be painful or scary. Recovery in particular isn’t as bad as many think. In fact, there are some actions you can do after the operation to help yourself recover and minimize pain and discomfort while you do. To help you get over any fears you might have of the “dreaded” root canal, here’s a short guide to assist with the recovery process.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

One of the most vital things when learning about root canal procedures is knowing how long recovery takes. Typically, root canal recovery takes about 1-2 weeks, however, depending on the patient, it may take longer. The first few days may see some mild or moderate discomfort, but that is temporary. The pain decreases over those first few days until it disappears. In general, follow your dentist’s instructions to help yourself handle the pain and speed your recovery. Take the time to take good care of yourself to minimize any discomfort and inconvenience on your end, and you’ll soon be better before you know it.

What You Can Do to Make Recovery Easier

Aside from your dentist’s instructions, there are some other things you can do to make recovery go a little easier. Your dentist may recommend these steps, but it’s also a good idea to prepare ahead so you have some idea of what to do post-operation. Keep these steps in mind as you recover to make the process go more smoothly.

Get plenty of sleep so your body can heal

1. Get plenty of sleep

A common piece of advice after any medical operation is to get plenty of rest. After your root canal, your body needs time to heal. Sleep is when the body does much of its recovery and healing, so plenty of sleep is a must if you want to recover quickly. Take a few days off work so you have all the time you need to rest yourself after the operation. It’s also common after oral surgery to feel sore and tired, which is your body’s way of telling you to get some rest.

2. Avoid strenuous activity for a while

During your recovery period, it’s imperative you actually take the time to recover. That means no exercise or strenuous activity. Your body really does sufficient time to recover, and avoiding any taxing activities is one way to do just that. Moving too much, too soon can cause complications and fatigue, none of which is conducive to recovery. A little exercise later during the recovery phase can be good for you. Try some simple exercises for recovering patients to get your strength back, but only after you’ve had time to rest first.

Stick to soft food like yogurt during recovery

3. Adjust your diet during recovery

One other thing to watch as you recover is your diet. Your teeth and gums will be sore for a while, and that will make it difficult to eat certain foods. Some foods may also be problematic for the crown over your tooth, which is an additional reason to watch what you eat while you recover. In general, some safe foods for your recovery include frozen yogurt, ice cream, bananas, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs. These are soft foods that won’t aggravate your affected tooth. While you’re at it, refrain from chewing on the affected side of your mouth to avoid aggravating the site.

4. Keep your head elevated

Swelling is a common occurrence after oral surgery. To help deal with any pain and swelling, keep your head elevated, particularly if you’re lying down or sleeping. While you’re at it, you can also apply a cold compress to your mouth to reduce the swelling and discomfort. Wrap an ice pack in a cloth, then apply to the affected area for up to 20 minutes. Take 20-minute breaks between applications.

5. Maintain good oral hygiene

It’s always important to maintain good oral hygiene, especially after an operation. For the first few days, your gums and teeth may be too sore for you to brush normally. Instead, rinse your mouth with salt water to avoid infection. After you’ve had some time to recover, you can resume regular brushing and flossing. If you have a temporary crown installed, take additional care with it to avoid damage. Temporary crowns are not as durable as permanent ones, so be careful. Above all, keep your eyes peeled for the telltale indicators of your oral health. If you’re doing fine after the operation, you’re very likely doing well, keep up the good work.

Root canals don’t have to be a scary proposition. They are a perfectly normal operation, and recovering from them can be simplified to cause as little discomfort and inconvenience as possible. Keep these steps in mind to help yourself recover, and make recuperation a little easier on you physically and mentally.

Need a pain- and stress-free dentist when you need a root canal? Then give Township Dental Centre a call. We offer a wide range of dental services, and we put your peace of mind first. Call us now at (604) 533-8475 to schedule your appointment and protect your smile.
